5 Professional Path Ideas for Solopreneurs

You have many options to choose from when you are a solopreneur. Although it is recommended to choose a single niche to focus on, you do not have to limit yourself to just one. If you have been thinking about becoming a solopreneur but you still cannot define what you would like to do, here we will give you several ideas about niches that are in high demand and for which you can easily find online courses to develop the skills they require.

Web Developer

Nowadays, every company, organization, or store, even personal brands and institutions, requires a website. And not only have one but keep them functional, updated, and without problems. A web developer is in charge of creating web pages and carrying out their proper maintenance, so they must have knowledge of programming and software management. The web development niche has several branches since not all developers are dedicated to the same tasks. There are frontend, backend, and full-stack developers.

Virtual Assistant 

They can work for doctor offices, entrepreneurs, lawyers, or anyone who needs help with their daily organization. In this case, your role will be to keep your client’s agenda, remind them of their responsibilities so that they fulfill each one, and also be in contact with their clients or patients. 

Generally, in jobs in this niche, you must have a stable internet connection to be available when your client requires it. There are online platforms where you can take courses related to virtual assistance, and in a short time, you will learn everything you need.

Content Writer

They make each article or info you find on a website or app. Writers create the content following guidelines and sometimes using search engine optimization (SEO). By using SEO, your articles will reach a broader public, and that is what many clients look for. Some clients will also appreciate it if you have good grammar and speak more than one language. 

Graphic Designer

They are in charge of creating all the logos and visual identities for brands. This might be one of the most popular niches, but you will also notice that there are a lot of opportunities for them. A solopreneur who works as a graphic designer can create menus, Instagram posts, stickers, tags, and all the visual resources a company would need. Each day, a new brand is born. And of course, they all will need a graphic designer’s help. 

Project Manager

These solopreneurs are in charge of making projects possible by directing a whole team. Project managers are organized and need to define and plan how the team will execute their tasks to make the client’s goal or idea possible. It is a leadership role.

Consider This Before Choosing Your Solopreneur Niche

The Level of Investment Required

For example, you will probably only have to invest in a computer and some software or app in case you want to become a content writer. On the other hand, if you desire to work as a photographer, you will have to buy equipment, rent a studio, pay for transportation, and so on.

Supply and Demand 

It is simple. Finding clients will be more complicated if you choose a niche with too many freelancers but few job offers.

If It Requires Any Academic Preparation 

There are niches where it is not essential to have a university degree. Instead, a solopreneur can learn what is necessary by taking courses or learning self-taught. However, there are others where clients find it crucial that you have a degree.

The options mentioned in this article are just a few of the many possibilities you will find out there. Remember to research what skills are expected from a professional in each niche, and this way you can determine if it fits your profile or if you can learn what is needed. There are online course platforms where you can acquire the knowledge you need to become a better-qualified professional, so do not hesitate to try them. Once you have made your choice, start looking for your first clients!


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