What Is a Solopreneur and How to Become One

The idea of being a solopreneur is becoming more and more popular each day. Working at your own pace and focusing on your personal goals sounds more convincing for many than laboring at an office for someone else. If you are interested in becoming a solopreneur, here you will learn what it is about and what you can do to start being one. It is not something that has to happen overnight, but it is a transition process that you can start today.

solopreneur in front of a pin board

What Is a Solopreneur?

Unlike an entrepreneur, a solopreneur is a person who undertakes alone and without plans to create a company in association with other people but instead wants to turn their name into their brand. Of course, your brand does not need to be called by your name. What we mean is that you become your own company. 

3 Steps to Become a Solopreneur

Choose Your Niche

It is the starting point for every solopreneur. You have to choose which niche you will work in and later become a recognized expert in that area. It depends on you whether to work as a video editor, virtual assistant, web developer, or any other profession that you can do as a solopreneur.

When choosing your niche, you must consider your level of expertise in the area, the level of demand for the service you offer, and the growth paths. If you enter a niche with a lot of supply and little demand, it will be more complicated to start getting your first clients. On the other hand, if you decide to get into a niche that is growing but has few freelancers, it will be easier for you to find your first job.

Create a Portfolio

A portfolio is where you will display samples of work you have done so clients can see that you have experience and are qualified to do the work they need. You can create a portfolio website or also make a document to send by email.

If you still do not have experience, you can create content for the sole purpose of including it in your portfolio. For example, if you are a photographer, offer a photo session to your friends or a business and try to demonstrate your skills in that photographic work. That way, you will have quality content to include in your portfolio.

Use a Freelance Job Platform

You have probably heard of websites like Guru, Peopleperhour, Upwork, or Fiverr. These platforms connect freelancers with potential clients and are an effective way to start getting your first jobs. One of the many positive things about using these websites is that they can help protect you from scams or irresponsible customers. Try to adhere to the particular rules of each platform, and that way you will avoid problems.

You do not need to join them all. You can join two, or even just one, and work to perfect your profile on that page and meet each requirement so that you project a more professional image. Each day, you must dedicate time to sending proposals and applying for projects that appear available on the page. Getting your first client can be difficult, but it will flow better as you gain more experience.

Do Not Wait Any Longer and Start Now!

There are more and more people who decide to venture into being solopreneurs. If this idea continues to gain more followers, it is because it is profitable. Keep in mind that if there are already many people who have managed to achieve a stable income and grow professionally as solopreneurs, you can do it too. 

Start by choosing a niche to focus on, put together a portfolio that shows your professional ability, and apply for jobs on freelance platforms. Soon, you will get your first client and increase your reputation as a solopreneur.


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